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Пистолет Sauer & Sohn Mod Roth-Sauer

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16.05.2009 г.

Пистолет Sauer & Sohn mod Roth-Sauer.  Модель разработана Ротом и Крнкой - 1900 год.

Выпускалась фирмой Sauer and Sohn Suhl, Germany. Отличительной особенностью пистолета была сложность автоматики - использованием отдачи ствола с длинным его ходом.

При выстреле ствол и затвор отходили назад вместе соединенные боевым выступом затвора, который двигался по пазу в ствольной коробки. В конце хода отдачи затвор упирался в выступ на станине, который поворачивал его на 20° в результате чего расщеплялся затвор с стволом. При этом затвор фиксировался на месте, а ствол возвращался. В это мгновение из патронника выбрасывалась гильза. Отойдя вперед ствол выключал задержку затвора, в результате затвор начинал двигаться вперед досылая в патронник патрон. После этого затвор поворачивался в обратном направлении и сцеплялся со стволом смещалась вперед до упора. Пистолет приобретал боевой вид.

Рот-зауэр - с ударным механизмом ударникового типа, но механизм не был полностью само взводным. Ударник взводился только если отвести затвор вручную. Пистолет использовался по патрон патрон Рота калибра 7,65 мм. В качестве предохранителя была сделана специальная муфта в задней части затвора, повернув которую вокруг оси можно было запиреть затворный механизм. магазин находился в рукоятки, заряжался патронами при помощи обоймы в открытый затвор.

На рамке оружия имеется надпись: Sauer Pistol Roht -Sauer

PATENT ROTH; На рукоятках; 

фирменный знак Зауэра изображение "мужик с дубиной", в овале.

Модель: Mod Roth-Sauer 1900

Калибр: - 7.65 mm

Длина, mm - 170

Длина ствола, mm - 100

Вес без патронов, g - 655

Магазина патрон шт. -7   


Roth-Sauer pistol

This 7.65 mm. pistol was manufactured by J. P. Sauer u. Sohn in Suhl, Germany. It was invented by Georg Roth of Vienna, Austria, and appeared on the market in about 1905. The arm is based on patents issued in 1898, but it also has features which appeared in an earlier pistol designed by Karel Krnka in 1895.

The cartridge, known generally as the RothSauer cartridge, but also as the Roth-Frommer in Hungary, is identical except for powder loading to a cartridge developed by Frommer for his Mod. 1906 pistol. The latter appears to have been derived from a still earlier Frommer cartridge. The powder charge in the Roth-Sauer version, being lighter, will not cause the Frommer pistol to function.

How many Roth-Sauer pistols were made is not known. It is sometimes referred to as „a little known“ pistol. Facts concerning the production of this unusual cartridge do not bear this out, however. The cartridge was not only manufactured in Europe but the demand in this country was considered sufficient to warrant its production in the U.S., and it was produced in this country for several years. Production is said to have ceased here in the 1920's, but production in Europe continued until the late 1930's. From this it would seem that a considerable number of these pistols must have been produced, though it must be admitted that specimens in this country are rare enough to be collectors' items.

Factory literature describes this pistol as „an automatic recoil pistol, with back sliding barrel and solid cylindrical breech block, fitted with a positive locking device, the locking of which is achieved by the adjustment of massive knobs.“ This is considered to be the most distinguishing feature, as compared to other automatics then on the market. Quoting further, „The working of the Roth-Sauer pistol is based on the principle of using the recoil force, so that the opening of the lock, ejecting of the exploded shell, inserting of a new cartridge from the magazine into barrel and rebolting of the lock preparatory to the next shot are made without any manipulation by hand.“

Great stress is put on the safety of the locking mechanism. „A turn of 25° of the breechblock with respect to the two solid locking knobs in the breechblock chamber (which is screwed fast to the barrel) prevents not only separation of lock from barrel before the charge has left the muzzle, but also prevents gases from entering the loading chamber.“ To this is added another important feature, namely, „the working of the breechblock connection with the firing pin, which join just before the cartridge is fired, thus positively closing the barrel at the breech.“ The pistol is loaded from a clip which holds the seven cartridges. The loaded clip is inserted into the cartridge well until the clip rests on a track in the breechblock chamber, then the cartridges are released from the clip by pushing down on the movable slide at the top, and the empty clip is removed.

Dimensions and weight of the pistol, as given by Sauer u. Sohn, are: caliber, .301 (7.65 mm.) ; overall length, 65/8 inches; height, 49/16 inches; weight, 23 ounces; and magazine capacity, 7 ctges.


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